Help us improve bone and joint care in North West London - public events

1 June 2022

Join our online public events:

  • Tuesday 14 June - 1pm – 2.30pm
  • Thursday 16 June - 7pm – 8.30pm

The events will explore in detail what services for people with bone and joint problems should look like in future.

Our doctors, nurses and physiotherapists will also be on hand to answer your questions on common bone and joint concerns, care and treatment.

Across NW London our hospitals are working together to join up our care and make best use of our combined resources for the benefit of patients and local communities.

We want to improve routine orthopaedic surgery, such as knee or hip replacements, and wider musculoskeletal (MSK) care - bone and joint services including physiotherapy, pain management and rehabilitation. This includes reducing the long waiting times for routine surgery that have built up during the Covid-19 pandemic.

One specific development we are exploring is bringing together much of our routine orthopaedic surgery in one centre for west and north west London. Examples in other parts of the UK have shown that this approach can improve quality as well as enable patients to be treated more efficiently and therefore more quickly.

To help develop our plans, we want to make sure we fully understand the needs and views of patients, carers and local communities and what would make the biggest impact.

With support from Verve Communications, we are running two online events open to anyone living in west or north west London. We are especially keen to involve people who are – or have been – patients with bone and joint problems.

At the events:

We will explore in detail what our services for people with bone and joint problems should look like in the future, taking into account current challenges and opportunities.

Our doctors, nurses and physiotherapists will run a Q&A session to help increase awareness and understanding of common bone and joint concerns, care and treatment.

Register by calling 07898 865743 or visiting:

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