On Tuesday morning the names of the 72 people who lost their lives in the Grenfell Tower fire were individually and poignantly read out in a multi-faith service at Westminster Abbey.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the afternoon service held at the foot of the Grenfell Tower, where the community gathered to pay tribute to their loved ones with speeches and songs. There were many moving tributes, particularly the poem by an eight-year-old girl who survived the fire. Green banners, flowers and messages of tribute on the memorial wall provided the backdrop. During the ceremony 18 green balloons were released to represent the lives of the 18 children who died.
Mary Mullix, Director of the North Kensington Recovery Team, said:
“The five year anniversary has been a sad milestone for this community.
As the health service serving this community we’d like everyone affected by the Grenfell fire to know that the NHS has been listening to them and is still here for them. We will continue building health services around survivors, the bereaved and wider communities that responds to what is needed to help emotional well-being alongside physical health.
I’d like to encourage everyone who needs support to come forward when they are ready – the services are there for you and we are here to help.”