Local residents and stakeholders are invited to attend the Primary Care Executive Group (PCEG) for West London, meeting in public on Tuesday 29 November 2022, at 9.30am. The meeting will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams.
The main agenda item will be discussion and decision regarding the future of the Westbourne Grove Medical Centre. Additionally, there will be an update regarding the relocation of the Redcliffe Surgery.
PCEG’s role is to oversee primary care at a local level ensuring that services are delivered in line with relevant requirements.
You can find the Teams joining link here. This is where you can also find the agenda and other papers.
The PCEG meeting is not a public meeting, but a meeting in public. Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe the meeting.
Meeting papers will be published one week in advance and we ask that all questions from members of the public are submitted 48 hours ahead of the
meeting. To submit a question please email: nhsnwl.wlprimarycare@nhs.net
We would ask that questions focus on the substantive agenda items for discussion.
The Committee will address questions submitted in advance during the relevant agenda item where possible, or at the end of the meeting where appropriate.