NHS North West London provides Citizens’ Panel update

9 June 2023

The Citizens’ Panel of NHS NW London is now in its third year.

To mark our progress, and to act on feedback from our residents, we have created updated our webpage telling our communities about its achievements so far, what we could do better, and what the future might hold.

We are currently looking at ways to improve representation on the Citizens’ Panel, including by having more young people represented from certain boroughs.

Other initiatives include looking at further ways to ensure our data is as reliable as it can be.

Our Citizens' Panel is a large, representative group of local residents, which helps to assess public opinions and to identify local priorities and to consult with residents, patients and service users in specific issues.

It was established in December 2019 the panel members were randomly selected from the general population across our North West London boroughs.

Dr Ray Johannsen-Chapman, Engagement Manager at NHS NW London, says, “As we approach the panel’s 4th year anniversary in a few months, I want to take this opportunity to thank all the residents who have been members of the Citizens’ Panel. Their contributions and feedback have been vital in further understanding the needs of residents from various groups and communities in NW London. I am proud of what we have achieved in a relatively short space of time, but I realise there is a lot of work to do in terms of improving representation of certain groups. I believe our shared vision for the future will result in us creating an even stronger Citizens’ Panel, that will be at the heart of our engagement going forwards. We want our members’ views to be at the heart of the development of offering in NW London”.

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