What our residents have told us – latest community insight reports published

26 May 2023

At NHS North West London we meet and talk to our residents at many community, council and NHS events across our eight boroughs. We also get feedback from our local authority partners, Healthwatch and the voluntary sector about what they are hearing from our communities.  

We listen closely to what you have told us about your experiences of using local healthcare services. We always value any ideas or areas for improvement you have.

Our community insight reports for March and April 2023 have been published. They summarise what you have told us, and demonstrate key themes. You can read them here.

The feedback from March and April has been given to the appropriate teams at NHS North West London. We are now looking at this feedback alongside other data and information to decide the next steps.

Please send any feedback about the reports to nhsnwl.communications.nwl@nhs.net. You can find more about how we are getting involved with our local communities on the ‘Get Involved’ section of our website.

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