What is important to local residents

We have heard what patients, families and carers have said is important to them and it is important to us that our services are able to help deliver the care and support needed to deliver this:

  • To be able to make their own choices and decisions and want to know that they are sensitively listened to and supported to achieve these decisions.
  • For services and care to be flexible enough to support people if they change their mind – even at short-notice.
  • To receive services and care as close to home as possible.
  • To have support available 24 hours a day.
  • Services need to be joined up, inclusive, adaptable and easy to access.
  • To die in their preferred setting, whether this is at home, in a hospice, care home, in hospital or elsewhere.
  • To have access to the care and support they need as they approach the end of their life.
  • To be treated and live as normal life as they can.
  • To be treated with dignity and respect as should their families and carers.
  • Health professionals need training on how they advise and have a conversation with patients and their families and carers on how to break the news of a terminal diagnosis and what can happen on the journey to the end of their life.
  • To have the right to a good death and have access to the services and support that will help that to happen.
  • To have access to services and support that understand my cultural and faith needs.

Further information on what patients, families, carers and other stakeholders have said is important to them can be found in our engagement outcome report.

We welcome your feedback on the approach outlined above. Please email nhsnwl.endoflife@nhs.net

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