Learn about our ICB committees

16 May 2024

This week we will focus on NHS NW London’s committees.

There are five committees of NHS NW London that are responsible for particular areas within the ICB. Most include the scrutiny and oversight of a particular area (checking something is done correctly).

The areas that the committees cover are are:

  • Finance & Contracting
  • Strategic Commissioning
  • Audit & Risk
  • Performance Committee
  • People and Remuneration.

For example, the Finance & Contracting Committee’s  role is to establish robust finance plans and budgets, and oversee various aspects of procurements. It has various other functions, including making sure that health and social inequalities, quality risk assessments and sustainability are taken into account in financial decision making.

Dr Penny Dash, the chair of the Finance & Contracting committee, as well as Strategic Commissioning Committee, says:  “This committee is vital in making sure our strategic and day-to-day work is carried out with the utmost due diligence, undertaking our duties in an efficient and effective way.”

Our committees scrutinise our work and make sure we are delivering the best we can for our residents.”

Next week we will hear from the chairs of some of our other committees.

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