Local residents and stakeholders are invited to attend NHS North West London board meeting that will take place on Wednesday 22 January 2025, 1 – 4 pm. It will be held virtually at Small Hall, Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX, with an option to join virtually via Teams.
You can find the Teams joining link for the meeting on 22 January 2025 here. This is where you can also find the agenda and other papers.
There will be a discussion about north west London Integration Neighbourhood Teams.
The Performance report – November 2024 (including ICS financial position) and Performance Committee Chair’s Assurance Report will be considered for endorsement. There are various other items on the agenda.
Meetings are held in public, but they are not public meetings. The deadline for submitting questions is 4pm Monday 20 January 2025. Please email your questions to nhsnwl.communications.nwl@nhs.net .
There will be 20 minutes at the end of the meeting to address as many pre-submitted questions as possible. All questions will receive a written response after the meeting and responses will be published on our website.
You can find out more about our purpose and objectives as well as the roles making up the Board membership in the About NHS NW London section of the website.