The NHS in North West London is dedicated to ensuring that women have access to the highest possible quality of care throughout their pregnancy and birth.
Our staff and resources are concentrated into six maternity units which mean more midwives and senior consultants are available to provide care for women.
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Your choices
In North West London there are six hospitals where you can give birth:
- Chelsea and Westminster or West Middlesex Hospital
- Hillingdon
- Northwick Park
- Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea or St Mary’s
You can choose to give birth at home, where you will be supported by our home birth team.
Antenatal care is carried out in our hospitals, in children’s centres and in health centres close to where you live. Most women can choose where they receive antenatal care, although some women with particular medical needs may be advised to attend hospital for appointments.
You can be referred to any of our maternity units by your GP, or you can complete a referral form on the individual hospital websites, which are listed above.
How to self refer. See this booklet.
Chelsea and Westminster or West Middlesex Hospital
Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea or St Mary’s
Chelsea and Westminster or West Middlesex Hospital
Whichever hospital you choose for your care, all maternity units in North West London include the following services:
- Birth centre
- Birth rooms
- Birthing pools
- Midwife-led care Consultant cover
- Home birth option
- Antenatal ward
- Antenatal care in the community Neonatal care
- Postnatal ward
- Postnatal care in the community Postnatal care at home
- Private room hire
- Option for partner to stay overnight
- Midwife-led care for the majority of our women with access to a highly experienced team of midwives 24- hours- a-day, seven-days-a-week.
- Increased consultant cover for women who require more complex care and support.
- Experts from different areas of healthcare and other health professions as required.
- Support for women who choose to have their babies at home.
- Your Maternity Team
Take a look at our video below to find out what health visitors do:
Birthing centres which include rooms with birthing pools.
- Labour wards with specialist maternity theatres.
- Recovery areas for women who have given birth in theatre.
- Special Care Baby Units and intensive care units for babies requiring continuous medical and nursing care due to prematurity or complex needs.
- More information: Chelsea and Westminster or West Middlesex Hospital, Hillingdon, Northwick Park, Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea or St Mary’s
Please refer to the Mum and Baby website. Specific links are below
Antenatal Classes Videos (Birth Preparation, Birth Choices, Breathing, Home Birth, Early Days)
The Mum & Baby App and wesbite are resource for pregnant people, new parents and their families to access information on caring for themselves and their new baby.
Click here to visit the M&B website
This award-winning app has been co-designed with mothers, partners, midwives, doctors, mental health specialists, health visitors, physiotherapists and other allied health professionals across England to provide a single source of information relevant to the entire maternity journey and beyond.
Through the app, you can explore local maternity service providers, refer yourself to the maternity services of your choice using the online self-referral form.
There is also information to guide you through the different stages of pregnancy, and the option to develop digital personalised care and support plans (PCSP) for pregnancy, birth and beyond.
These PCSPs can be shared with your maternity team to enhance better communication and shared decision making.
The app empowers pregnant people and their families with evidenced based information to allow them to be more involved in their maternity care.
The app can be downloaded for free via the App store or Google Play and used by maternity services across North West London.
The NHS is working to improve equity for mothers and babies and equality in experience for staff. NHS England has set out why this work is needed and the aims of this work. The NHS NW London Equity and Equality report sets out how we will achieve these aims and improve experience for patients and staff further. A summary of this report can be downloaded and read here.
In North West London, addressing health inequalities is a core principle of the way we approach maternity service design and delivery across NW London. Developing this strategy has been an opportunity to bring all stakeholders and networks together to ensure that the system is listening and responding to the inequality agenda. This is about creating real change in how we work with our residents.
This is the report that has been share with the Board and maternity network. A public summary will be published shortly.
Click on the relevant link to access:
Personalised birth preferences - English
Health and Wellbeing in Pregnancy:
Health and Wellbeing in Pregnancy (NCL):
After your baby is born - English