
As part of NW London’s commitment to addressing structural racism, the Race Steering Group review creative opportunities that enable diverse individuals, frontline staff, patients and communities to engage with the ICS.

Below provides an overview of current and future projects reviewed and approved by the group.

If you would like further information on any of the projects listed below or would like to find out how to have a project reviewed by the steering group please email

An ICS system wide analysis with staff groups (defined below) to understand the current qualitative barriers to career progression for black and minority ethnic staff members.

Expected outcomes
  • To provide clear recommendations for transformational change based on the outcomes of the analysis.

Objectives of the project are to:

  • Recognise and build upon existing projects or processes across NW London ICS with further analysis based on the feedback so to provide an evidence base of why staff believe they are not progressing to senior positions.
  • Evidence whether staff feel that less tangible opportunities are not equitable, including informal networking, mentoring and coaching.
  • Define whether there are differences in opportunities between BME groups themselves and what are they – supported by any published evidence
  • Understand whether there are cultural/value behaviour within the ICB system that staff feel act as a barrier to career progression.
  • Look at common barriers across the health and care system and whether there are any good practice lessons learned.
  • Explore the likelihood of and subsequent impact to service delivery
Scope of the project

To focus on barriers to senior positions includes:

  • Director level – Agenda for Change (AfC) Band 8D which also includes health and local authority staff within a similar grade.
  • Clinical and non-clinical staff
  • Comparative analysis with non BME staff, (White) staff groups using existing WRES (and LA equivalent data) and through similar qualitative analysis through engagement with health and local authority staff members across the ICS.
Get Involved in the project 

NHS Listening Circles - sign up to take part in a LIstening Circle, which seeks to delve into the challenges faced by ethnic minorities in leadership roles within the North West London Integrated Care System (ICS).

Online survey - if you cant take part in a LIstening Circle, then you can still take part by completing an online survey.

The Expo is part of a series of outreach events to improve health outcomes by taking on board the wider determinants of health for black communities across the eight boroughs within NW London. 

The African Caribbean Think Tank are running events in parallel and act as a conduit with the community for the planning of activities and interventions.  Is there a link to the Think Tank’s activities?

The following activities are designed to raise awareness, empower people by understanding their right to access of and understanding of health and care services: 

  • Health checks
  • educational webinars around policy and health behaviours
  • Various organisations running health and care stalls providing information and advice.

Expected outcomes

To create the opportunity for attendees to have conversations and interact with representation from the Healthcare system in an informal setting.

Objectives of this project are to:

  • Provide a holistic approach to health and wellbeing in a manner that meets the needs of NW London’s black communities.
  • Reduce known health inequalities for black residents by empowering people with knowledge of services and their rights to access.

Accessibility tools

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