North West London's Personalisation Programme’s vision is to make sure local communities are actively involved in their health and wellbeing and make decisions based on ‘what matters most’ to them and what they really need.
Personalised care simply means that patients have more control and choice when it comes to the way their care is planned and delivered, taking into account individual needs, preferences and circumstances.

Personalised Care is a shift in relationship so everyone works together, for example being asked “What matters most to you” rather than “What’s the matter with you?”. Personalised care means having more choice and control to make informed decisions.
Personalised Care means residents and individuals…
- have choice and control over the way their care is planned and delivered
- based on ‘what matters’ to them and their individual strengths and needs
- are enabled by resilient families, communities and 3rd sector who can support them in their life course
- can enact a new relationship between themselves, professionals and the health and care system.
Personalised care is delivered via 6 Key evidence based components:

Chronic Pain
As part of the personalised care programme we are working to improve care of patients experiencing chronic pain. Chronic pain is a wicked problem, very complex and multi-faceted it is an intangible condition that is managed poorly. To treat chronic pain, we need to use a personalised approach.
We have been running successful community of practices within NWL on a personalised approach to chronic pain, where we have tried to understand the problem and what we can do to tackle this. These are multi-disciplinary sessions and have involved patients with lived experience.
Please see a newsletter from one of our CoP here.
Personal Health Budgets
We also have a project supporting personal health budgets, these are funds dedicated to helping patients in a personalised way. These funds can be used for ongoing care and support of patients post discharge from hospital, to support children and young people with education, and for one off benefits to support achievement of specific goals (Discharge cards).
For more info visit the NHSE website.
ARRs Roles (Additional roles reimbursement scheme):
Expanding our primary care workforce to achieve a personalised care approach. As part of the personalisation programme we support our wider care roles, including social prescribers, health and wellbeing coaches and care coordinators. We regularly hold a peer support forum and support training of our staff. In December we held a NWL Personalisation networking day to highlight the success of our staff, see newsletter. This was a joint event with the team at NWL Training Hub, see their website here for more information.
See also a short presentation on lifestyle medicine from NWL Personalisation Clinical Lead, Dr Tony Willis: What Matters Most - a presentation by Tony Willis (