The NHS in North West London is inviting anyone who has not been vaccinated or is waiting for their second dose to come forward and get the jab and protect themselves, their family and community from this deadly disease.
Thousands of extra vaccine doses have been made available over the next week as we focus on increasing the number of people being vaccinated.
We have Pfizer vaccine available for people of all ages and in addition AstraZeneca for those of all ages including those waiting to get their second.
Pippa Nightingale, Chief Nurse at the North West London ICS, said: “People can still book their slot via the national booking system but to make it even easier we are allowing people to talk in to our mass vaccination centres and are setting up lots of local pop-up clinics closer to where people live where you can book your vaccine slot or walk-in on the day, to give people the maximum choice about how they get their vaccine.
"We have vaccinated over twenty thousand people at our mass vaccination days at Twickenham and Chelsea Football Club and 1,000s thorugh our large clincis and also held hundreds of pop-up vaccination events. With the country beginning to open up and people attending events and going on holiday at home or abroad, we want to pull out all the stops and get as many as people as we can to have their first and second dose of vaccine as possible by the 19 July, to help ensure lockdown restrictions are eased."
Please book your appointment at You can also walk-in without an appointment for a first or second vaccination
Pippa added: “It is important to remember that all the vaccines we are giving are a safe and effective way of preventing you become ill from Covid-19. If you’ve already had your first vaccine you do get good protection, but you do double your protection if you get your second dose.
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