Primary Care Executive Group

The Hammersmith & Fulham Primary Care Executive Group (PCEG) is established as a group of the NHS North West London Integrated Care Board (NWLICB).

In keeping with the commitment to maintain and enhance primary care locally, as much business as possible will be transacted at NHS NWL Borough level.

PCEG’s role is to oversee the development of primary care at a place based level, ensuring that NW London and national requirements are delivered and assurance provided through both the place based governance arrangements (where a decision impacts only the local geography) and the NW London Local Care governance arrangements (where more than one geography is impacted). 

Meetings are currently being held virtually, and a recording of discussions will be published on the website shortly after the meeting ends.

View the PCEG Terms of Reference

The PCEG meeting is not a public meeting, but a meeting in public. Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe the meeting, to be held virtually using Microsoft Teams (MS Teams).  

We recognise that some members of the public may want to ask questions at this meeting, and we would like to accommodate this.

As meeting papers will be published one week in advance, we would ask that all questions from members of the public are submitted 48 hours ahead of the meeting.  To submit a question please email:

We would ask that questions focus on the substantive agenda items for discussion.

We will allow time at the end of the meeting to take as many of the pre-submitted questions, as time allows. All questions received will be answered and published on our public facing website with the relevant meeting papers. 

For clarity, at the meeting questions will be shared on the screen where a screen is in use. We request that questions are kept short; and to the point where possible, as we do not propose summarising them.

Meeting links will be published on the page at the same time as the agenda and other papers.




Link to papers

31 January 2023


Watch the meeting recording here

View the papers

04 April 2023


Watch the meeting recording here

View the papers

30 May 2023


Watch the meeting recording here

View the papers

25 July 2023


Watch the meeting recording here

View the papers

26 September 2023


Watch the meeting recording here

View the papers

28 November 2023


Watch the meeting recording here

View the papers

26 March 2024 10.00-11.30

Watch the meeting recording here

View the papers
28 May 2024 10.00-11.30 Watch the meeting recording here View the papers
30 July 2024 10.00-11.30 Click here to join the meeting (also Room G2, 15 Marylebone Road, NW1 5JD for members of the public who wish to attend in person)


View the papers
24 September 2024 10.00-11.30 Click here to join the meeting  
26 November 2024 10.00-11.30 Click here to join the meeting  
28 January 2025 10.00-11.30 Click here to join the meeting  
25 March 2025 10.00-11.30 Click here to join the meeting  
27 May 2025 10.00-11.30 Click here to join the meeting  
29 July 2025 10.00-11.30 Click here to join the meeting  
30 September 2025 10.00-11.30 Click here to join the meeting  
25 November 2025 10.00-11.30 Click here to join the meeting  


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